Add Email Account
Account Name : | | |
Password : | ||
Verify Password : |
Passwords must be at least 6 characters long, cannot be all letters, cannot be all numbers, and cannot begin with the Account Name or Domain.
Please note: We have recently implemented new security requirements for email account passwords. If your current password does not meet these requirements, you will need to change your password.
Advanced Features : [Spam Filter] [Forwards] [Auto-Responders]
Add Forwards
Forward the message to the following email addresses.
AND keep a copy of the message on the server.
Note : When keeping a copy of forwarded messages on the server, you will be required to download them using an email client on your computer or using our WebMail utility. When forwarding messages, it is recommended that you do not keep a copy of the message on the server.
Add Auto-Responder
Include original email in auto-response.
Disable auto-responder limits.
Discard the email (Do not save).
From name : | ||
Reply-To : | (if different) | |
Subject : |
(The original Subject of the incoming email will be appended to the Auto-responder Subject entered above.)
Note : To configure your autoresponder with file attachments, or php styling, please enable 'Advanced Autoresponder Options' under your account preferences
Spam Filter Configuration
Spam Filtering :
What would you like to do with email that has been identified as being spam?